Tuesday, January 11, 2011


life is about learning.
 im learning alot of what "not to do" in college.... 
but get im growing... and isn't that what counts :)
so... this is called "criminal tresspassing"

it was not good.
i have learned from it.
i didn't know the hot springs were on private land.
i will never go on land that is not mine or my friends.
especially right before finals week.
life is too stressful to add this to it.

this is ash- hole she is my awesome roomie. we sleep in ONE VERY LONG BED... why?
 because I learned we could.
I have learned to set goals:
3.75 gpa
attend all classes
work out everyday
eat healthy
read my scriptures and pray daily
I learned that my granny is cooler than yours.
yes she is bitting her finger and wearing cheetah print pjs at the age of 82.
one day we had this awesome idea to just fill a whole tray with icecream
...so to easy finals week we created this...
I learned you cannot eat a whole tray of ice cream with two people.
the FAM on Christmas Eve
i have the worlds greatest family.
and duh i already knew that:)

this is me GROW ing UP>>>>>>>


Hate can challenge a man to do or be something he isn't.
Hate has filled my past few months....but don't worry I AM FREE.
I am coming back.  Stronger than before.